The monastery responded to the verdict Ulyukayev phrase Gleb zheglova

Gleb Zheglov

The rector of St. Alexis Hermitage hieromonk Peter (Vasilenko) responded to information that a representative of the monastery were passed to the former Minister Alexei Ulyukayev convicted of bribery, a message with a promise to pray for him. Message on Fri, 15 Dec published in the blog of the desert.

“It’s all true! The initiative has support of the speaker came not from the administration of the Saint Alexis Hermitage, not of monks, and especially not from children. And from the mom of one of the students of the gymnasium — Elena Malyutin. This is her personal opinion that is not shared by the administration and the inhabitants of the monastery,” wrote FR Peter.

Materials on теме13:58 — TodayOn the rise: Ulyukayev gave eight years of strict reimbuse Minister was fined two million dollars with confiscation of property

He quoted detective Gleb Zheglov from the Soviet film “the meeting Place cannot be changed”. “We believe that a THIEF SHOULD SIT IN JAIL!” — said the priest (original spelling preserved).

At the meeting of the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow on 15 December, where the verdict was brought Ulyukayev, a former Minister was handed a pamphlet on behalf of the Orthodox from the Saint Alexis Hermitage. He said that in the monastery a lot of children and they will pray for him, passed “the Media”.

The former Minister was found guilty of bribery and sentenced to eight years of imprisonment in a penal colony, and appointed him a fine in the amount of 130 million rubles. The sentence read out period of house arrest, thus in the colony Ulyukayev will hold no more than seven years. He called the verdict unfair, but refused to answer the question of pardon.

More important news Telegram-channel “Tape days”. Signed!

