Putin explained the lack of competitive opposition in Russia

The opposition is currently unable to offer real agenda, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during a big press conference on Thursday, December 14. His words are quoted by the correspondent of”.ru”.

“When we talk about the opposition, it is important not only to make noise in the squares or in the backstage environment and to talk about the anti-people regime, it is important to offer something to make it better [life in the country],” said the head of state in response to the question of why, from his point of view, Russia has no competitive opposition.

Putin noted that citizens have an objective grievance, “but when people start to compare and see what is proposed by the opposition, especially non-systemic, there are big doubts”. “This is the most important, I think, is the problem of those who would like to be competitive opposition. To offer a real, nepamenu, nekrylova the agenda”, — he added.

Earlier on Thursday the press-Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the question of competition with the incumbent in the forthcoming presidential election, said that at the moment, “not yet ripe rival Putin even close.”

On the 13th on account of a press conference of the President 1640 accredited journalists.

Last year the annual big press conference of the President was held on 23 December. It lasted 3 hours and 50 minutes, during this time, the head of state answered 67 questions from journalists 48. A significant number of questions about domestic and regional agenda. The long duration of the press conference is 4 hours and 40 minutes — was held in 2008.

The first event in this format took place at the initiative of Putin in July 2001.

More important news Telegram-channel “Tape days”. Signed!

