More than half of the working Russian doctors earn less than 25 thousand rubles per month, only eight percent of physicians — more than 50 thousand, i.e. at the level of the national average or higher. About it it is spoken in arrived in edition “” the press release of the movement of the Russian popular front (onf).
In early December he, together with the Fund “Health” has conducted a survey among physicians about the level of their income. It was attended by 7.3 thousand doctors and 1.3 thousand other health workers from 85 regions of Russia.
According to the survey, 58 percent of professionals in the same field earn on one bet of less than 25 thousand rubles. With more than a third of them (21 percent among all respondents) received less than 15 thousand.
At the same time, 79 percent of nurses receives less than 25 thousand rubles, only six per cent — more than 35. Due to the low income more than half of workers are forced to take extra working hours, and every tenth — to work on two rates.
The onf said that this year, 63 percent of physicians rate remained unchanged at 20 percent they are smaller, only 17 percent are earning more.
According to official data of Rosstat, in January-September, the average salary of doctors is 53.1 thousand rubles, nurses — 29,2 thousand.
According to government plans, by October 2017, the salary of doctors was supposed to be 180 percent of the average for the region, and by the beginning of 2018 and 200 percent. It is planned that during the same period, the medical staff will receive the full average salary.
Previously Rosstat reported that the average monthly salary in Russia in October amounted to 38 275 rubles.