In the Czech Republic issued a card with ISIS and Russian Crimea

Czech Railways has released gift diary with world map on which is marked the Crimea as a subject of Russia, and also depicts the territory of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by the newspaper Týden.

So, in the diaries of Crimea painted in the same colour as the Russian — pink, with crossed diagonal stripes of violet color, corresponding to the designation of Ukraine on the map.

In addition, the surveyors marked the territory of the IG, which has raised questions among specialists of Charles University, who commented the image. They noted that if the authors decided to designate the territories captured by some groups, then according to this logic should have been allocated on the map of the land controlled by the Kurds and the Syrian opposition.

“Ribbon.Ru” asked the opinion of the readers of VK on this issue:

CEO of Czech Railways Pavel Krtek suspended the distribution of souvenir products due to the fact that their IG is marked as a separate state.

According to Týden, the application for dailies was developed by the specialists of the Bureau of Kartografie Praha, the final print version was approved by all trade unions of the Czech Railways.

