In the United States to declassify documents about the Kennedy assassination. Why wait?

In the United States to declassify documents about the Kennedy assassination. Why wait?

October 26 in the US declassify a large number of documents about the murder of U.S. President John Kennedy. The CIA asked Donald trump to close the files for another quarter century, but he disagreed.


In the archive is not known, but historians believe that secret documents can shed light on if you knew that American intelligence agencies about the intentions of the murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald.

35th U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed by sniper November 22 1963. Officially, Kennedy was shot Lee Harvey Oswald, who adhered to leftist. Oswald himself denied guilt but before the court brought was not in time: two days after the arrest, the man was escorted into the Dallas County jail, shot and killed a nightclub owner in Dallas Jack ruby. For a long time the main part of the investigation were kept secret, but in 1992 President George H. W. Bush decided to gradually publish the materials.

The Kennedy assassination is one of the most popular subjects of conspiracy theories. There are versions that attempt on the President was standing in the security services or Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Lee Harvey Oswald was not a loner. Moreover, the murder of Oswald, if you believe the conspiracy was organized by secret services with the purpose to cover their tracks.

