Cocktails in tall glasses seemed people tastier

Cocktails in tall glasses seemed people tastier

Cocktail drunk from a tall, narrow glass associated with gaining more pleasure from consumption of a drink than a cocktail, but drinking from a low wide glass.

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It found French scientists who have studied the behavior and reactions of consumers to drink, drunk in the beginning of the regular dinner. The article was published in the journal Food Quality and Preference.

Form of cookware can affect the perception in the food or beverage.

For example, with the same amount of two glasses — high and low — the first seems more, and the shape of the glass can affect the manner of consumption of the drink. So far, however, the correlation between consumer preferences and the shape of the dishes have rarely been studied in real conditions.

Authors of new work studied the reaction of consumers to the drinks served in different glasses during dinner at the restaurant of the Paul Bocuse Institute in Lyon, France. Before dinner as an aperitif 123 guests were offered alcoholic drink with a volume of 150 milliliters. Before the start of the dinner, the scientists collected data on how well the participants how much they want to drink and how often they consume alcohol. The drink was served either in a wide and low glass (an 8.3×6.6 cm), or tall and narrow (15,2×4.2 cm). After the drink the participants were asked about how satisfied they were with the cocktail, and the whole process of beverage consumption was recorded on camera: researchers have estimated how quickly (within 45 minutes after a feed of drink), participants drinking a cocktail and how many SIPS they are doing.

In addition, the women volunteers were more (p = 0.009) men satisfied with the cocktail, served in a low glass — in condition with a tall glass such differences were not observed.

