The government of Catalonia has accused Madrid in the coup

The Karma Forcadell

The decision of the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, to dissolve the government of Catalonia and to appoint new elections in the region is a “coup” and “an attack on democracy.” On Saturday, October 21, said the speaker of Parliament of an autonomy of the Karma Forcadell, reports Reuters.

“Rajoy wants the Parliament of Catalonia ceased to be a democratic institution. We do not allow”, — promised Forcadell in a televised speech. So she refused to recognize earlier the Spanish government’s decision to activate article 155 of the Spanish Constitution.

“We want to say to the citizens of this country about our hardness and hope. Today, after the most serious attack on Catalan institutions since their recovery, we protect the sovereignty of the Parliament of Catalonia”, she said.

Earlier on 21 October, Rajoy dismissed the President of Catalonia Carles Pokdemon and all his government. Therefore, the Madrid gave effect to article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, which allows to introduce temporary direct control of the authority.

“Autonomy of Catalonia is not suspended, debarred only from the power of the people, which the government found itself outside the law and outside the Constitution,” — said the Prime Minister.

Background: Madrid ousted the government of Catalonia

