Wife threw the British dog feces over 200 edit

Deborah Addams and the Joffrey Microton

56-year-old British woman began to take revenge on her ex-husband after he found out about his multiple infidelities. About it writes Daily Mail.

Deborah Addams from the town of Whitstable (Kent) became suspicious when he saw the bills on the credit of the adjacent hotels. Later she found on the computer a secret folder, and found out that her husband Joffrey Microton, with whom she lived for 11 years, for half of their life together slept with 200 prostitutes.

Despite continuing at the time the divorce process, the woman began to literally terrorize the husband. For two months she attacked him one and a half thousand SMS indecent content, in particular, she was interested in why he “allowed the prostitute to use one of their sex toys”. In addition, she sent a colleague’s husband a letter, to which was attached a photo of her husband in the Nude, accompanied by unflattering comments.

The culmination of the persecution was throwing her husband a dog’s feces, after which the man went to court, which banned the Addams closer to his victim, ordered her to fulfill 150 hours of community service and to pay a fine of 850 pounds. Commenting on the verdict, she said that if I wanted to hurt my husband, “would cut his genitals and wore them as earrings”.

