For evidence of the connection of Nicholas II and the ballerina’s offered to exhume the grandmother

For evidence of the connection of Nicholas II and the ballerina’s offered to exhume the grandmother

The Deputy of the state Duma of the first and second convocations, and a former member of the Legislative Assembly of St.-Petersburg Konstantin Sevenard has said it is ready to exhume the remains of his grandmother’s Virgin Sevenard to prove that she gave birth to ballerina Mathilde Kschessinska from Emperor Nicholas II. He stated this in an interview URA.RU.

According to Sevenard, his family has indirect evidence of kinship with the Royal family: a photograph of Matilda Kshesinskaya, allegedly pregnant his grandmother, and did not conceal that the child’s father — the Emperor.

To obtain direct evidence for the kinship of the grandmother with the Romanov dynasty Sevenard has offered to exhume and then rebury the remains of his grandmother in the Peter and Paul fortress. He expressed confidence that the tests are accurate.

“For example, for DNA tests, which took my father and uncle, will require sophisticated laboratory tests, because the connection is through the daughter, and the degree of error present. But if you compare DNA and grandmother of Nicholas (father and daughter), then there can be no mistake. Given the importance of the event, we are ready to go for it,” said the former MP.

