Media reported trying to stop the shooter from Las Vegas unarmed security guard

Edition of the Daily Beast told the security guard named jesús Campos, who attempted to stop the 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, in the evening of 1 October massacre perpetrated in Las Vegas.

Unarmed Campos first came across room on the 32nd floor of the hotel Mandalay Bay from which the Paddock was shooting at people. He tried to enter the room, but the Paddock saw it on camera and shot him through the door.

Having been wounded in the leg, Campos radio reported the location of the Paddock and that he blocked the door leading from the hotel corridor to the stairs. Arrived on the floor of the police Paddock was fired in his room managed to come only with the arrival on the scene of the SWAT team. The commandos received a command to go into the room about an hour later after the suicide of the Paddock.

1 Oct 64-year-old American Steven Paddock opened fire from automatic weapons by members of the festival of country music, being on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, and then killed himself. Because of his actions killed 59 people, injured more than 500.

In his room was found 23 weapons, including 19 guns, thousands of rounds, and at his home in Mesquite (Nevada) police found explosives and its components.

