How much waste has left a man in space for 60 years of its development?

How much waste has left a man in space for 60 years of its development?

In 60 years of space exploration to orbit the Earth launched more than 6 thousand satellites. Most of them became space debris. How to send machines into space in different countries?

Since the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite by the Soviet Union sent into orbit for 6 thousand spacecraft.

In each country, the path to space was his own: for example, in India parts of the first rocket was transported on a Bicycle.

Israel is the only country in the world, launch satellites against the Earth’s rotation.

For the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first satellite into space one of the main problems of its development became space junk.

NASA scientists suggested method of disposal: with a thin space “blankets” the debris of satellites and even meteorites can pull into the atmosphere where they will burn.

