Scientists have uncovered the cause of aggression in dogs

Scientists have uncovered the cause of aggression in dogs

For some dog owners a daily walk can bring not little stress due to the aggression that the Pets Express toward other animals. Scientists from the University of Arizona believe that the reason for this behavior can be hormones.

Biologist Evan McLean in the study decided to pay attention to the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin in the body aggressive dogs and came to the conclusion that they can play an important role in shaping the social behavior of dogs, writes

Oxytocin, sometimes called the “love hormone” is important in childbirth and breastfeeding. Its level in the body increases when we hug or kiss a loved one. Vasopressin, in contrast, is associated with aggression.

For the study, Maclean collected the pet dogs of different ages, breeds and sexes, whose owners have said they have aggressive behavior. For each dog picked up a calm pet of the same sex, age and breeds that were the example for comparison. Before and after each aggressive reaction in dogs changed the hormone levels. The results showed a high level of vasopressin, which indicates his connection with the aggression of animals.

At the same time, scientists have noted high levels of oxytocin in dogs in the centers involved in the education of pet-mates. This confirms that oxytocin can prevent aggression in dogs.

McLean is confident that a better understanding of the causes of aggression in dogs can help make them more friendly.

“Aggression in dogs is a huge problem. Thousands of people annually are hospitalized because of dog bites, especially children. In addition, aggression is one of the main causes of abandonment of dogs. If there are ways to intervene and influence the biological processes that cause aggression, it can bring huge benefits both people and dogs,” — said McLean.

