Rules of life of Bilbo Baggins

Rules of life of Bilbo Baggins

The hobbit. Died 29 September 3021 of the G. T. E. at the age of 131 years.

It all started very simply, as you might guess: in a hole In the ground there lived a hobbit. Not nasty dirty wet hole full of worms and smells of mold. It was hobica Nora. And that means delicious food, a warm hearth, and all sorts of amenities and coziness.

In those days I lived exceptionally good lives and do the unexpected never happened.

And where there is disease, always expect trouble.

Hardly anyone in our area can like adventure. Some anxiety and trouble, still you’re gonna miss lunch!

Some even claimedthat the only passion of the hobbits is food. Very biased assessment — because we are, incidentally, also skilled in brewing and tobacco.

