The mayor of Yekaterinburg said it was impossible to eliminate illegal dump

Yevgeny Roizman

Mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman said that to solve the problem of garbage landfills will be possible not earlier than 2018 when the region will choose the operator of the waste disposal. He told about it on Saturday, September 16, the radio station “Moscow Says”.

According to him, the operator should resolve all issues relating to debris, but it may be delayed. The mayor stressed that the municipalities for this is no longer the answer and it all depends on the regional authorities.

“The problem is the following: around the city there is a growing ring of illegal dumps, and no administrative measures you will not solve it because the city has no city police, the community may not itself be protected. All these solutions were given to regional authorities and the feds. Because of this, the idiocy of the legislation there is a lot of such problems,” — said Roizman.

He added that the landfill, which on Saturday was held to protest known, “smokes constantly, it shed, it gives a lot of trouble to those who live there”.

Earlier three activists handcuffed themselves to the entrance to landfill 12 km from Ekaterinburg. They opposed the illegal waste disposal: landfill according to them, was closed by the court, and she continues to work. Community members took to the police for drawing up the administrative Protocol and later released. The city authorities promised to check the object.

