Kim Jong-UN announced the imminent creation of a DPRK nuclear force

DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN stated that North Korea is almost close to developing nuclear forces. It is reported by news Agency “Yonhap”.

“We have to show the chauvinists that our country achieves its goals, despite the endless sanctions and blockade, said Kim, whose statement was circulated by the state Agency of North Korea KCNA. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a balance of forces with US to eliminate the possibility of a military solution to the problem of the Korean Peninsula”.

On Friday, September 15, North Korea launched a missile “And 12” to the East. The projectile flew about 3700 miles, its trajectory passed over the Japanese Islands. Later urgently convened the UN Security Council condemned the test, calling the DPRK’s actions are extremely provocative.

September 3, North Korea announced the successful underground test of a hydrogen warhead for Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Recent seismological data of Japanese experts presented September 6, indicate that the power of the explosion was about 160 kilotons.

