Reveals the connection between the floor and the ability of trolls in social networks

Reveals the connection between the floor and the ability of trolls in social networks

Psychologists from the University of London goldsmiths and Brunel University have found a relationship between the floor and the ability to Troll interlocutor in the network. The results of the study were published in the journal Computers in Human Behaviour.

Scientists have found that trolls on the Internet — mostly men. The researchers attributed this to the greater propensity of men to narcissism and attract the attention of other people.

The results of the research confirmed the stereotype that trolling in the network involved only men, the scientists write. They interviewed several hundred users of Facebook and other social networks: he asked how they were registered in the social network, what they present there, how do you evaluate yourself in comparison with your virtual buddies and how they are important opinion of friends in these social networks and relationship with them.

It turned out that trolling really are mostly men aged 20 to 40 years. Registering in social networks women use these sites for establishing new contacts and maintaining old social relations. In addition, women are less susceptible to narcissism, which is able to move men trolling online.

The obtained knowledge can be used to reduce the number of trolls in social networks, conclude scientists. Network “daffodils” you need to understand that their behavior may offend the feelings of others, they say. In addition, the social network can build the architecture so that people don’t emphasize the ego and communicate constructively.

