Named the reason of mass stupefaction of mankind

Named the reason of mass stupefaction of mankind

British and Thai scientists have determined the reason for the decline in the average IQ of the population. A study published in the journal Intelligence, reports New Scientist.

The reason for the decline in the average IQ scientists have considered demographic factors, primarily the aging population and declining birth rates in developed countries.

To such conclusions the authors came analyzing the structure and the results of more than 1.8 thousand of tests to determine IQ, which, as a rule, evaluate the working or short-term memory. The first related to decision-making and analysis of the information typically deteriorates after 60 years, while the second is responsible for short-term memory, with age, almost unchanged.

Experts have found that tests based on short-term memory, demonstrating the growth of the average IQ of the population, whereas since 2004, the test based on working memory indicate a decrease in the average IQ of people.

Over the past century, scientists have observed a gradual increase in the average IQ of the world population. This trend changed in 2004, when growth slowed IQ.

