“Burn the Earth’s magnetic field”: the scientists of a powerful solar flare

“Burn the Earth’s magnetic field”: the scientists of a powerful solar flare

MOSCOW, 9 sen — news. The plasma cloud, formed due to the powerful solar flares reached the Earth. Magnetic field emissions are currently “burned out” of the field lines of the planet, said Laboratory x-ray astronomy of the Sun Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN).

The plasma cloud, as emphasized by scientists, has reached the earth’s orbit before the predicted time of about 12 hours. The velocity of the cloud were higher than expected in half.

Record-breaking solar activity

Strongest over the last 12 years, a burst of solar activity recorded September 6-8. On the surface of the disc there have been several extremely powerful flares. In the face of the Earth was emitted by the coronal material.

Powerful for 12 years, the outbreak occurred on 6 September. She was rated a score of X9.3. Sunspot, on whose territory an outbreak, remained active until the 8th of September. It died one strong and three secondary flash.


