Over 100 complaints were received in Moscow regional election Commission since the beginning of the election campaign

Since the beginning of the election campaign in the Moscow region the Moscow regional election Commission received 109 complaints, said the Chairman of the electoral Commission Irina Konovalova. Her words are on the website of the regional government on Thursday, September 7.

“Only five of them were confirmed,” — said Konovalov.

According to her, to date, 100 administrative claims already considered by the courts. In particular, four of them dealt with the election of deputies Mosobldumy.

Earlier Thursday, Konovalov said that in the region of 10 September will work over a thousand polling stations. In addition, 330 areas for the first time, will apply to QR codes that will quickly sum it up. It is also expected that one of the polling stations will be visited by the representative of Colombia.

On 5 September, the Moscow region Governor Andrei Vorobyov at the meeting of the regional government called for elections in the municipalities at the highest level.

In the single voting day, September 10, will be held in the suburbs 82 of the election campaign, including election to the Moscow region Duma.

