More than half of Britons have become atheists

More than half of British subjects — 53 percent — do not belong to any of the world religions. Such data of public opinion poll results in The Independent.

Compared to 2015, the number of non-believers by Britons were up 5 percent compared to the 1983 year — by 19 percent. As notes the edition, many call on the government to cut funding for churches to reduce their influence on public life.

Over the last decade, the Anglican Church lost more than 100 thousand followers. The number of Britons calling themselves Catholic, does not change the past 30 years. Catholicism in the country professes every tenth citizen.

In the public opinion survey involved almost three thousand British.

The Anglican Church constitutes one of the branches of Western Christianity. Unlike other countries, the process of the reformation of the Church in England was initiated by the monarch. Henry VIII wanted to break ties with the Pope and the Vatican, consolidated his power. The English Church finally separated from the Roman Catholic was transformed into the Anglican Church during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

