The government approved a bill to ban powdered alcohol

The government approved a bill to ban powdered alcohol

The government approved a bill to ban powdered alcohol in Russia, this is stated on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“To approve the draft Federal law “On amendments to the Federal law “On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and about restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” regarding a ban on the production and (or) turnover of powdered alcohol products” and submit it to the State Duma according to the established order,” agreed in the Committee on legislative activities.

Approval of the bill was adopted on August 28 Cabinet meeting, where, among other things, addressed the issues of regulation of the alcohol market in Russia.

The head of the government Dmitry Medvedev, speaking about the problems of alcohol market regulation in Russia, said that in Europe and in the USA dry alcohol been banned long ago.

This is due to the fact that powdered products are potentially extremely hazardous to health. She threatens and poisonings and internal injuries.Dmitry Medvedevputin-Minister

According to him, manufacturers of dry alcohol tried to sell it in the European Union and the United States, but the government stopped that trade. “And, of course, the producers are ready to export these products to Russia. Our country needs to be protected from such expansion, nothing to do here”, — concluded Medvedev.

