Putin told about the nuclear reactor in every Russian

Vladimir Putin

Russia is constantly evolving due to the fact that its residents have a kind of internal nuclear reactor, said President Vladimir Putin. This opinion he expressed during the open lesson, titled “Russia looking into the future”, which took place in Yaroslavl on Friday, September 1. The broadcast led TV channel “Russia 24”.

“If we exist more than a thousand years, and so actively develop, strengthen ourselves, so that we have that contributes to this. This something is the inner nuclear reactor of our people, our Russian people, the Russian people,” — said the head of state.

He called this quality passionarity, which “pushes our country forward.”

Earlier Friday it was reported that Vladimir Putin invited the current students to write an essay on the topic “Russia looking into the future” to learn about their vision for the country at the turn of the 2040-2050-ies.

In early June, the Russian leader during a speech at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF) was proposed to establish in the framework of the youth section. He stressed that they would be able “to analyze, to shape, to design the image of the future of their countries and civilization as a whole.”

