Scientists commented on the approach to Earth of a giant asteroid

Scientists commented on the approach to Earth of a giant asteroid

Russian scientists explained the situation around a large asteroid, Florence, which gets closer to Earth, September 1, 2017. Their words, reports TASS.

Celestial body does not represent danger to the Earth, said astronomer, researcher, Institute of applied mathematics named after Keldysh Leonid Elenin.

This is another horror story “about the big asteroid flying to Earth.” What is true is this is a large near-earth asteroid (3122) Florence will fly 7 million kilometers on 1 September. This convergence is interesting from a scientific point of view, but poses no danger.Leonid Elenin is the Astronomer, researcher, Institute of applied mathematics named after Keldysh

Astronomer also drew attention to the fact that to call Florence, “the largest” is incorrect. In the comparison resulted from the asteroid Pallas from the main asteroid belt, the diameter of which reaches 545 kilometers. The size of Florence, 4.4 miles.

In the Institute of applied mathematics and mechanics Tomsk state University also confirmed that earthlings should not be afraid of this space object.

“April 13, 2029 the asteroid Apophis with a diameter of over 300 meters, which is lately forgotten, will pass at a distance of about 37 thousand kilometers from Earth. It’s 10 times closer than the Moon, and it has no fear. And then millions of kilometers”, — said a leading engineer of the Department of celestial mechanics and astrometry NII Evgeny Parfenov.

The largest Florence called NASA, implying that the asteroid was the biggest object in the entire history of observations space Agency for potentially hazardous near objects. such observations NASA beginning in the late 1980-ies.

