Zakharova assessed the situation on the Korean Peninsula

A sharp deterioration in relations between Washington and Pyongyang could lead to the outbreak of world war II. This statement was made by Maria Zakharova. The words of the official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia radio station Baltkom.

“We (Ministry of foreign Affairs. — approx. Rambler) already talked about the fact that the situation is on the brink. But despite this, we hear rhetoric, and Pyongyang, and the statements that go every day from Washington. The paradox is that they are identical. There is a direct intimidation with the use of force by both sides… the feeling that all the statements of Pyongyang translated into English and voiced by U.S. officials,” — said Zakharov.

Zakharov added that the Kremlin insists on solving the conflict by diplomatic means. The representative of Department has noticed that in the case of a full-scale armed conflict between the U.S. and North Korea killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. In addition, in the case of the use of weapons of mass destruction, environmental disaster will threaten the entire world. Zakharova said that Russia and China initiated the process of emerging from this crisis. Moscow and Beijing offer to cancel “provocative” military exercises the U.S. and South Korea on one side and the maneuvers North Korea on the other.

In recent weeks, the US government and North Korea did not stop to exchange threats. In particular, 9 August, American President Donald trump amid reports about the military development of North Korea nuclear warheads declared that American armed forces will respond to the threat of “fire and fury, which the world has never seen”. 10 Aug DPRK authorities have promised to pre-emptive missile attack on American base on the island of GUAM. According to US intelligence, North Korea currently has 60 nuclear warheads. Us-South Korean exercises will begin on August 21.

