Cassini flew a record close to Saturn

Cassini flew a record close to Saturn

Space probe “Cassini” started to implement the final stage of their mission to study Saturn.

The spacecraft made the first approach to this planet, approaching her close enough to allow scientists to obtain unique data about its chemical composition.

September 15, Cassini needs to enter the atmosphere of Saturn and burn it.

At the moment the camera passes through the line between Saturn’s rings and the upper layers of its atmosphere.

At 04:22 UTC “Cassini” record approached the planet at a distance of 1600 km. This reduction allowed the probe to take samples of the gases of the upper atmosphere.

Saturn is 75% hydrogen and the remainder helium fills the micro-ingredients and other elements, says Nicolas Altobelli from the European space Agency.

“Heavier helium needs to go down, — the scientist explains. — Saturn radiates more energy than it absorbs from the Sun; this means that slowly loses gravitational energy. Obtaining accurate data on the number of hydrogen and helium in the upper layers [of the atmosphere], you can get an idea of how these elements are distributed inside.”

