The chief psychiatrist of the Russian Federation spoke about the prospects of a revival of sobering-up stations


RIA Novosti

To revive the sobering-up stations in Russia is the Ministry of the interior with the obligatory participation of doctors, says the chief freelance psychiatrist of the Ministry of health Yevgeny Bryun.

The sobering-up station of the interior Ministry in Russia was closed in 2011, the reform of the Ministry, its functions were transferred to medical institutions. In February 2017, the Public chamber member Vladimir Slepak said about the intention to ask the Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova to oblige the Ministry of health to rebuild the country’s system of medical sobering-up stations, in his opinion, this measure, in particular, will help prevent attacks on doctors.

“I think that the best would be still to revive the sobering-up stations in the interior Ministry with the participation of physicians. Why do we need this? People who abuse alcohol or drugs, they get into these sobering-up stations, and there we can establish a motivational work and start to work out the decline in demand for alcohol and drugs. It would be a good bow two agencies,” said Brune in a press conference in MIA “Russia today”.

According to him, today in Russia the law prohibits medical institutions to keep people by force, without their consent, which is a person in a state of altered consciousness often is impossible to obtain. The only Agency which can “hold” of a person against his will is of the interior Ministry, said Brune. However, he stressed that this was only his “personal view” , and at the Federal level, this problem can be solved differently.

Back in the fall of 2016, the Bruin reported that on the eve of the 2018 world Cup in Moscow and other cities which will host matches of the championship, will open the sobering-up stations. Later he told RIA Novosti that a final decision on the organization of sobering-up stations in Russia, including in the cities that will host matches of the tournament, not yet, but under development. In turn, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the organizing Committee “Russia-2018” Vitaly Mutko stressed that the right idea back at the time of the world championship on football of 2018, the sobering-up stations and said that “it is the creation of conditions for human fans who went through”.

