The Australian has eaten the feet of the unknown sea animals. What was it? (Spoiler: crustaceans-Amphipoda)

The Australian has eaten the feet of the unknown sea animals. What was it? (Spoiler: crustaceans-Amphipoda)

Australian teenager Sam Kanisa after a football match decided to cool his feet in the cool sea water on the beach in the town of Brighton. Back on shore, he found that his feet bleed. Many publications wrote that the Aussie has suffered from the bites of “unknown marine animals” — however, it became clear rather quickly who it was. “Medusa” tells of what happened to Sam and whether it is possible to swim on Australian beaches.

“When the hospital wiped his feet, they were still bleeding. On the floor was a large puddle of blood. No one knew these things. At the hospital contacted toxicologists, and oceanographers and other doctors in Melbourne and the surrounding area, but no one knew what it is,” said the father of the victim of a teenager.

Sam’s father went to the same beach where bitten his son to find out what it was — and found small marine crustaceans. He put the crustacean in a container of water, and then started to experiment — to throw in a container of different products; it turned out that most likely they pounce on the meat. In fact, a piece of meat he caught crustaceans: lowered it into the water and waited, when they swarmed, says NPR.

Meanwhile, on the case of Sam wrote, it seems that all the world’s books, most with titles in the vein of “the Australian gnawed the legs of the mysterious marine parasites”.During the download an error has occurred.

Already on Monday evening, 7 August, i.e. two days after the incident, there was an official information about what caused the injuries to Sam. Faithful was the first suggestion of doctors: a teenager bitten by sea fleas, small crustaceans carnivorous, usually feeding on carrion.

