The organizer of the elections to the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela accused the government of lying

The organizer of the counting of votes in Venezuelan elections of representatives to the Constituent Assembly accused the authorities of fraud and misrepresentation of the true appearance. CEO of Smartmatic, Antonio Mujica made a statement at a press conference, his words reports BBC News.

“With deepest regret to announce that the final data on the turnout [in the election] in the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela, which took place on 30 July, was tampered with,” said Mujica. He explained that the company knows the exact data, but publish them only after careful verification.

The Constituent Assembly elections were held in Venezuela on 30 July. According to official data, participation in the vote was attended more than eight million people, 41.5 percent of all voters in the country.

The meeting will consist of 545 people: 364 delegates from local authorities (one from each municipality, two — from the capital of each state, and seven from the Central municipal district of Caracas) and the representatives of “working people”: eight farmers and fishermen, five entrepreneurs, five from disabled people, 24 — from students, 28 from pensioners, 24, from district councils, and 79 workers from other sectors, including oil workers, builders, transport workers and social workers. The eight delegates also elected members of the local Indian tribes in accordance with their customs.

According to the plan of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, the Constituent Assembly will amend the Constitution so that it could cope with the severe economic and political crisis in the country. The opposition the results of the vote not guilty and accused the authorities of fraud: according to her, the site came only 12 percent of voters.

