Russia has restricted the age limit of the doctors

Russia has restricted the age limit of the doctors

MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law establishing the age limit — 65 years — for replacement of posts of heads and Deputy heads of the state and municipal medical organizations.

Relevant document posted by on the official portal of legal information.

According to the law, the age limit of 65 years set for replacement of posts of heads and Deputy heads of the state and municipal medical organizations.

Persons holding these positions and have reached the age of 65 years are transferred with their written consent to other positions corresponding to their qualifications.

The term of office of the head of the state or municipal medical organization may be extended to 70 years by the founder on the performance of the General meeting (conference) of employees of the organization.

The law shall enter into force on 1 October 2017.

