“Communists of Russia” promised to call “goons” from the government defeatists

The Russian government supported the initiative of the “Communists of Russia” to replace the treatment of “sir” to “mate” in the document. This was reported on the website of the party on Monday, July 24.

The response of the Cabinet, which is provided in the message, it is noted that the word “Lord” has historically been a respectful form of address and “humiliate those who use it”.

“Communists of Russia”, in turn, threatened that “one of the first decisions of the new government of Soviets would be the abolition of the estates in the cases”. “Comrades, let’s call all who work”, — is spoken in the party statement. And members of the Cabinet who are “on-zhlobski defended the term “Lord”,” the Communists promised to call defeatists.

June 22, “Communists of Russia” has sent an official letter to the Chairman of the government Dmitry Medvedev with a proposal to oblige all state organizations and entities to contact citizens in the Soviet manner. According to the leader of the party Maxim Suraykin, the use of the word “Lord” incites social discord.

In February, the Chairman of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the Russian President needs to refer to it as “Your Majesty”. Generals, he proposed giving the title of “Your Excellency”.

The address “comrade” was in Vogue during the Soviet era. Before the revolution of 1917, its use is indicated the membership of a person in revolutionary political parties.

