Named a way to live seven years longer

Named a way to live seven years longer

American and German scientists showed that people who do not smoke and are not obese, and moderately drink alcohol, live on average seven years longer than others. A study published in the journal Health Affairs, briefly about it, reports the Society of max Planck (Germany).

To such conclusions the authors came analyzing statistics about 14 thousand Americans aged 50-89 years, who lived an average of 4-5 years longer than the vast majority of the US population.

Experts note that the impact of the three key factors that affect the duration and quality of life (obesity, Smoking and alcohol consumption) are not equal. Obesity was stronger associated with early disability, Smoking — early deaths, alcohol — reduced life expectancy and a sharp deterioration in health.

Men who not only did not smoke and were not overweight, but was not consumed alcohol, lived on average 11 years longer than the others. For women, life expectancy had increased by 12 years.

