All employees Kuchinsky polygon in Balashikha reduced

Andrei Vorobyov

All employees of the suburban polygon Kuchino fired by the company-operator of JSC “Procurer”. It is reported online edition

“At the moment employees of the landfill looking for a job. All dismissed. To operate the landfill to no one” — said TASS in the press service of the company. According to the interlocutor of Agency, the company employed about 150 people, some of them worked on outsourcing.

According to the TV channel “360”, polygon Kuchino began to fill the earth, to destroy odor and to prevent fire. Just a dumping ground for these purposes it is necessary to bring not less than 400 thousand cubic meters of soil.

June 28, the Moscow authorities have appealed to the government of the capital with the request to help with financing of works at the site Kuchino, since 80 percent of the garbage was brought there from Moscow.

A day earlier, the head of the Balashikha Eugene Zhirkov wrote a statement of resignation at own will.

The landfill was closed by order of the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov on June 23. The decision was made after Russian President Vladimir Putin has demanded to stop the operation of the landfill, on which he complained to a straight line by the locals.

Plan landfill were to close in 2021, however, the President, the period of time arranged.

