The structure of the Yukos spent about $ 1 million to criticism of Russia in the U.S. Congress



Affiliated with the former shareholders of Yukos structures are regularly supplied Washington lobbyists significant amounts going to create a negative image of Russia, follows from the data system, disclosure of lobbying activities in the U.S. Congress. In particular, from 2008 to 2015 YUKOS 996 spent thousand of dollars on informing politicians of the Congress and the US state Department on the situation in criminal matters of the company. Direct representative of the interests of Yukos was made by the lobbying firm Prime Policy Group and its Director Lisa Colangelo.

The tasks of lobbyists was part of the regular update of data about the current trial Yukos and providing this information to the house of representatives, the Senate, the security Council and the state Department, according to “life”.

The greatest escalation of the situation with the lighting trial of the Yukos affair for officials in the U.S. was in 2014, when Congressman Matt salmon has sharply criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin in the framework of the speech associated with Yukos. Similar thoughts about the evasion of Russia from the execution of the decision of the Permanent court of Arbitration in the Hague for testimony before the Congress in the same 2014, expressed the democratic Congressman Eliot Engel.

In January the constitutional court ruled that Russia may not implement the ECHR’s decision not to pay 1.9 billion euros unfair compensation to former Yukos shareholders.

