Putin called useful the presence of the opposition among MPs in the regions

Vladimir Putin

The presence of representatives of the opposition among MPs in the regions helps to make informed decisions. This opinion was expressed by President of Russia Vladimir Putin in interview to the presenter of the program “Vesti on Saturday” Sergey Brilev, reports Вести.Ru.

“Sometimes it makes sense, because if we are talking about the composition of the municipal Assembly, it is always useful to have in Parliament people who Express an alternative point of view”, — said the head of state in response to the question about whether the existing governors “share” votes by representatives from opposition parties, if those don’t have the votes for a municipal filter (gathering sufficient numbers of signatures necessary for participation in presidential elections in the region — approx. “Of the tape.ru”).

The Russian leader noted that such a provision would “weigh the decision, to hear different points of view and come to the most optimal options”.

Elections of heads of subjects of Russia will take place this year in the Single voting day on September 10.

