In Germany appeared the first robot priest

In Germany appeared the first robot priest

In one of the churches in the German city of Wittenberg appeared robot priest. He blesses the congregation and can print the text directions. The printed sheet emerges from the housing of the new device, which was named BlessU-2A. Reported by the Daily Mail.

The first thing Android asks the congregation a question of what voice he should say, male or female. Robot priest set in the same city, where 500 years ago Martin Luther launched the Reformation.

“It’s an experiment that we believe will launch the discussion in society,” — said the official representative of the Church of Sebastian von gehren.

According to him, they deliberately abandoned the people in favor of the robot. During the experiment, the Church began to visit the people who have never visited the charitable institutions. According to Guerin the reaction of all the people are very different: some are happy to machine a blessing, others are strongly against it.

