Vacancy dreams: to travel the world for a salary of €2,500 per month

Vacancy dreams: to travel the world for a salary of €2,500 per month

Organization World Life Experience is looking for 12 people who will be in the course of the year to travel to 40 countries, exploring the local context, working with local social organizations and exchanging experiences.

The organization is looking for six men and women, among them — experienced people, 30-35 years, adventure lover 25-35 years, traveler 28-35 years old, making 24 to 32 years, volunteer 20-35 years old and a student 20-25 years.

All costs are covered: travel, accommodation, meals, insurance and basic medical care.

All events are planned and committed in the group. Participants are required to report on their experiences in written form using pictures and video (will be published on the project website and social networks).

The project participants will be able to enjoy the cultural life of different countries, immerse themselves in the local entertainment. But will have to participate in local social programs to help the hungry and homeless.

Salary — €2500 per month.

Also during the year there are four two-week break, during which it will be possible to visit the house.

Applications will be accepted until June 30.

Guess the country on the stamp in the passport

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