Convicted of treason scientist asked Putin to pardon

Convicted of treason scientist asked Putin to pardon

Scientist Vladimir lapygin, was convicted in September 2016 in the case of treason, sent to President Vladimir Putin for clemency. This was reported by RBC his lawyer Vasily prozac.

According to Pratsika, pardon lapygin was filed in March. “Now it is reviewed by the Commission on clemency in Tver region. In the colony of the region he is serving his sentence,” — said procyk.

Informed that lapygin requested the pardon, said the public movement “Open Russia”. According to the motion, at the conclusion of lapygin wrote a text with the title “How I became a spy”, which tells about the circumstances in which he was charged. The reason for his arrest was that in 2009 he agreed to transfer to China “program complex, allowing to calculate the optimal aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic aircraft, containing information constituting a state secret”. In 2011, he sent the program via email to the PRC Chen Wazza.

Lapygin claims that the Chinese side gave only a demo version of the program acting in the interests of TsNIIMash, and intended to conclude with the Chinese partners a lucrative contract. In addition, as stressed by the scientist, the program that he gave in China, was established in the Institute in 2010, and got the conclusion about the possibility of open publication in December of the same year.

Lapygin headed the center for the study of decision TsNIIMash, which is the leading Institute of Federal space Agency. He was also a teacher in the MSTU. Bauman. Lapygin was accused of treason in July 2015. According to investigators, he passed secret information abroad. His business passed under a signature stamp “confidentially”. In September 2016, the court sentenced 76-year-old lapagina to seven years in strict regime colony. In December 2016 the validity of a verdict confirmed by the Supreme court.

