In Moscow announced the U.S. intervention in elections in 2016

The American authorities a week before the presidential election last year, appealed to Moscow with the request about the attack allegedly by Russian hackers on server US Democratic party. About this newspaper “Kommersant” said Deputy Secretary of the security Council of Russia Oleg Temples.

According to him, the request is created in 2013 channel confidence-building measures between Russia and the United States in the field of information and communication technologies. “But before you can use these channels, known circles in the United States used another mechanism of propaganda”, — said the Temples.

The official said that the answer Americans did immediately, but did not go into details, saying that “was given satisfactory answers, including the technical plan”.

In January was published the declassified version of the report of US intelligence, which claimed that hackers attacked American computer systems during the election campaign, are the Russian authorities are using the attack allegedly wanted to influence the political process in the country. In response, the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow is seriously tired of the accusations and believes the ongoing “witch hunt”.

May 18, former official of the U.S. justice Department and former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special adviser to oversee the investigation of attempts to interfere in the elections. President Donald trump called it a “witch hunt”

