The Bundestag has simplified the rules of deportation of unwanted migrants

The Bundestag has simplified the rules of deportation of unwanted migrants

The Bundestag adopted the amendments to the legislation that will facilitate the deportation of migrants who have been denied the right to asylum in Germany, reports Deutsche Welle.

Now people will be sent outside of Germany even if the country from which he arrived, will not send his papers.

Also the police will be able to detain migrants for up to 10 days if they are suspected of endangering national security. Up to the present time to detain suspects it was possible for four days.

In addition, MPs are allowed to restrict the freedom of those who at entry into the country provided inaccurate information. Arrived in the country will also have to stay in temporary accommodation until, until immigration authorities will not consider their application. Also seized from the legislation point, in accordance with which a person automatically entitled to stay in Germany if his child born in this country.

Human rights organizations have already criticized the decision of the Bundestag criticized, pointing out that the amendments violate the rights of those seeking protection in Germany. “The new laws will transform Germany from a country willing to accept refugees in the state, which is the expulsion of migrants,” — said DW the representative of the organization Pro Asyl.

However, the interior Ministry of Germany indicate that they are ready to help people who really need help, but do not intend to promote to those who use refugee status to remain unpunished.

