Gref: school education in Russia remained at the level of the XIX century

Gref: school education in Russia remained at the level of the XIX century

Russian schools remained at the level of the XIX century in the approaches to learning of children. About this in his speech at the seminar for principals of the Moscow region said the head of Sberbank German Gref.

“The problem of our schools, my understanding is that it has remained a school of the XIX century. Modern school begat Wilhelm von Humboldt in humiliated of Germany conquered by Napoleon. The country needed to give birth to soldiers. Humboldt brilliant for its time gave the idea of universal education and the creation of youth such an army of students,” — said Gref.

The head of Sberbank noted that the basis of learning remained the same, and it is “a huge problem”.

“Great Minister of education of Japan at that time, in 1850, honestly wrote that the current system of forced education does not bear the happiness of the student, it was created for the state. Better not say,” — said Gref.

He also pointed out that the skill is more important than knowledge, and the main transformation, which must pass Russian school is a shift from teaching knowledge to teaching skills.

