Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the “unicorn of the sea”

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the “unicorn of the sea”

Shooting from a drone revealed the secret one of the most mysterious sea creatures — the narwhal. Now scientists know this sea animal uses its horn.

The appointment of Tusk, which makes it the mammal with a fabulous unicorn, still no one really could not explain. Some scientists say that using a bone outgrowth on the head of a narwhal fight with competitors from among their own kind, others believed that the horn could be a tool of echolocation, others have suggested that using the horn of narval might even break through the ice, reports The Telegraph.

New footage from WWF with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, show that actually the narwhals with their tusks, like batons, stunning saikou. After such strikes, these fish, which is also called the Arctic tricoccum remain in a fixed position, allowing the narwhals them easily to eat.

A flock of narwhals were seen and photographed by scientists off the coast of the canadian territory of Nunavut in the Arctic.

The Tusk grows only male narwhals — upper left tooth (there is another right, but it is usually hidden in the gums). Length of Tusk, twist clockwise to 3 m, weight — up to 10 kg. Tusks of narwhals are very durable and flexible, the ends can be bent, at least 31 cm in any direction without breaking.

A study conducted several years ago showed that the Tusk is permeated with millions of tiny tubes with nerve endings. Presumably, the bone allows the narwhal to sense the change of pressure, temperature and relative concentrations of suspended particles in the water.

