The Supreme court of India took a triple Telecom

India’s Supreme court began proceedings on triple talake — divorce procedures adopted in the Indian Muslims. About it reports BBC News.

The occasion was a large number of appeals and petitions from the women’s Islamic organizations and human rights groups, submitted to the court. Activists argue that the practice of triple Talaka is discriminatory towards Muslim women. Lawyers have to decide whether this tradition is an integral part of Islam.

The petition is already supported by the Indian government, who called triple talaq unconstitutional and degrading to women. Muslim conservatives have asked the judges not to interfere in the Affairs of the Ummah.

Triple talaq is a practice that exists in the Muslim civil law. It allows a man to divorce his wife three times repeating the word “divorce”.

In India there is no uniform civil code: each religious community follows its own laws that meet the standards of their faith. This leads, in particular, to the fact that in India, the provisions of the Sharia law, has long been abolished in most Muslim countries, such as polygamy and triple talaq.

