Stephen king considers trump’s admission to the nuclear button worse than their thrillers

Stephen king considers trump’s admission to the nuclear button worse than their thrillers

WASHINGTON, may 4. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. American writer Stephen king, known mainly for his novels in the genre of Thriller and horror, says the fact that the current President of the United States, Donald trump has access to the nuclear button, worse than any of his works.

About this king wrote Wednesday in his Twitter.

“The fact that this guy (trump) finger on the red button, scarier than any horror story that I wrote”, — stated in the message. “Trump’s tweets in his first hundred days (on a post of the head of state. — approx. TASS) depicted a fairly clear portrait: it represents just a textbook example of narcissistic personality disorder,” — said the writer.

King is not the first time acts with criticism of the Republican, and the presidential election, he was one of more than 450 American writers who addressed a petition calling not to allow the election of a trump.

A native of Portland (Maine) 69-year-old Stephen king is the author of over 50 novels that have sold nearly 350 million copies. In the mid 1970-ies, he published his first novel, “Carrie”, which was followed by the novel “the Shining” which brought him fame, and then under the pseudonym Richard Bachman released his novel “Rage”, “the Long walk”, “roadwork”, “the Running man”. The most popular works written in the genre of horror, for what writer was nicknamed the “King of terrors”.

