Olga Golodets called on employers to pay employees a subscription to a fitness club

Olga Golodets called on employers to pay employees a subscription to a fitness club

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that employers should compensate for the price of memberships at health clubs.

“The employer can offset the cost of season tickets. This is the correct option. Of course, to keep the instructor in today’s environment is not necessary. It is necessary to stimulate workers, so they went to a normal gym, some sports centre — good”, — quotes its words “RIA Novosti”.

So, MS Golodets commented on the proposal of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (FNPR) to enter the position of sports instructor in groups numbering more than 500 people.

Recently, the organization of EuropeActive (formerly known as the European Association of health and fitness) conducted a study, the results of which a number of Europeans who visit fitness clubs grew last year by 4.4% to 56.5 million people. In the first place by the number enrolled in fitness clubs Germany — 10.1 million people, while the population coverage in the lead Sweden — fitness center visits every fifth Swede.

