Sochi’s “black scavengers” waste polluted the river Psakhe

In Sochi found the illegal excavation of “black fire ladder” from which the sewage flowed into the river Psakhe in the Western part of the city. About it reports on Thursday, April 13, “Sochivodokanal”.

The managers addressed local residents, alarmed by the pollution of the river and unpleasant smell. Employees of the Sewerage network found during an inspection and fenced the land, from which flowed a black liquid. It turned out that there is a pit measuring 20 by 30 meters, filled with dirty water.

“”Black vacuum” under the cover of night for a long time uncontrolled brought the contents of the cesspools, and possibly industrial wastes,” the experts noted. According to them, the wall of the excavation partially collapsed, and the contents emerged in the Psakhe, and then fell into the sea.

According to “Sochivodokanal” and the district authorities knew what was happening: a week ago, the owner of the site was drawn up on an administrative offense. However, this did not stop the attackers, who continued to drain waste.

As reports the edition “Yugopolis”, the Governor of Krasnodar Krai Veniamin Kondratiev ordered to create a special Commission to investigate the circumstances of the incident.

“Black vacuum” called the eliminators of waste, operating outside the law and harming the environment.

In February, the head of the Ministry of nature in an interview with “the” has told about the existence in Russia of a trash mob, administering semi-legal landfills. According to him, the Ministry is working on a regulatory framework for the regulation of such enterprises, and frankly criminal elements will understand MIA and Asgardia.

