Media: militants IG stated that the American “super” did not cause them damage

Media: militants IG stated that the American “super” did not cause them damage

MOSCOW, 14 APR — RIA Novosti. Agence France-Presse reported on Friday about the statement of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), which stated that the militants suffered no casualties as a result of application of the US forces in Afghanistan one of the most powerful non-nuclear bombs.

The report stated that the loss was not “neither killed nor wounded.”

USA Thursday was first used in combat heavy duty non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan against militants of the “Islamic state”. The charge weight of 9.5 tons was thrown from the aircraft MC-130. All allegedly in service of the United States is 15 such ammunition. Washington explained that the blow was struck at the system of tunnels, and IG is a demonstration of the commitment of the administration to promise to break up the terrorist group.

*A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

