Scientists have found out, where live the most whiny children

Scientists have found out, where live the most whiny children

The whiny children live in the UK, Italy, Canada and the Netherlands, established researchers. And the calm — in Denmark, Germany and Japan. Prolonged crying is often associated with colic and, if you can establish why children in some countries cry less than others, to make life easier for millions of families.

A group of researchers from the University of Warwick found out where live the most whiny and the cool kids. The results of the study were published in the journal of Pediatrics.

Breznitsa colic

A frequent cause of prolonged infant crying — colic. However, they indicate some disease only in rare cases and usually completely disappear after four months. Because of the poorly known of their causes and the limited number of treatments for colic are frequent cause of concern for parents.

Current views of how much needs to cry, suffering from colic a baby, based on the criteria of Wessel:

colic starts during the first three weeks of life last about three hours per day and occur mainly in children during the first three months of life.

For painful sensations the child reacts with crying.

NewsWhy crying babies should not be left alone

Criteria Wessel was formulated in the 1950-ies. Because in the field of child care over the past half century there have been significant changes, modern doctors and parents need new standards to assess excessive level of crying in infants.

The researchers analyzed data on nearly 8700 babies from different countries, including Germany, Denmark, Japan, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, and counted how many crying babies a day in different cultures. Russia, unfortunately, the study missed.

It turned out that on average, babies cry for about two hours a day during the first two weeks. By week six, the time of mourning reaches its maximum level in two hours fifteen minutes per day, and the end of the twelfth reduced to an hour and ten minutes.

However, it appeared that, in some countries, babies cry only half an hour a day, in others up to five hours a day.

Crybabies were originally from the UK, Italy, Canada and the Netherlands and demure from Denmark, Germany and Japan.

The time of mourning correspond to how often the children suffered from colic. In the UK they are suffering 28% of toddlers age 1-2 weeks in Canada — 34.1% by the age of 3-4 weeks, Italy — 20.9% age 8-9 weeks. The lowest rates were registered in Denmark (5.5% in 3-4 weeks) and Germany (6.7% in 3-4 weeks).

The researchers can’t name specific reasons that caused the difference. They range from less social inequality to greater parental responsibility in the care of the baby and genetic factors.

The news isnot to tell the child when he cries

“Babies vary greatly in how much they cry in the first weeks of life. We can learn something new, watching the cultures, in which children cry less, to find out whether this is due to parenting or other factors, such as genetics, says Professor Dieter Wolke, lead author of the study. — New criteria norms crying will help the doctors to explain to parents, crying if the baby is in the normal range and nothing to worry about, or it required further examination”.

It is noteworthy that children who were breast-fed, suffered from colic more often than artificial, or mixed.

According to scientists, further research will help to identify the reasons why in some countries, children are less likely to suffer from colic. This information may facilitate the lives of many families around the world.

