The selected tree of the year in Europe

The selected tree of the year in Europe

Joseph oak growing in the village Visnova in the South-East of Poland, is recognized as tree of Europe 2017.

A mighty tree has a rich history. During the Second world hollow inside the oak was a refuge for two brothers-the Jews, who were being sought by the Nazis after escaping from a concentration camp or ghetto. The space inside the tree was divided into two “floors” in the lower brothers were hiding, and the top served as a viewing platform. Both of them survived the occupation, but their post-war fate is unknown, writes Daily Mail.

Gnarled tree that Polish Jewish brothers hide inside to escape the Nazis is named best in Europe

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) March 27, 2017.

In addition, oak Joseph in the prewar years were printed on bills in denominations of 100 PLN. Now the tree is a popular tourist attraction.

Polish 650-year-old oak wins the “European Tree of the Year” award. Learn its fascinating history:

— (@Poland) on 23 March 2017

The competition “European tree of the year” was first held in 2011, had candidates from 16 countries. Second place went to the 500-year-old Primorskii the oak growing in Wales. Third place went to the lime tree that grows in the Czech Lipke.

