The thief stuck in shop window, which robbed

The thief stuck in shop window, which robbed

In France the police, who arrived on a call on a robbery of the store, found the attacker at the scene. The thief stuck in the window, through which they entered the premises by smashing it with a hammer.

Attempt crimes were committed in the early morning of 16 March in the small town of Maleon-Lisher in the South-West of the country, reports AP. A photo of the attacker was published in the “Twitter” of the National gendarmerie.

#Mauléon (64) Ivre, il cambriole un magasin mais reste coincé dans la vitrine… avant d être interpellé ! #FallaitSeTenirÀCarreau?#ThugLife

— GendarmerieNationale (@Gendarmerie) 19 Mar 2017

To free the hapless prisoner from the trap had to call the fire Department. It is also reported that 46-year-old man was drunk.

