This files most often at work fighting the housing workers and miners

This files most often at work fighting the housing workers and miners

Named the most conflict and friendly industry.

Analytics recruitment portal HeadHunter found out how often and in which sectors there are conflicts in the workplace. The survey involved 6797 employees of Russian companies. It turned out that every third working Russian quarrels with colleagues less than once a month and 14% a few times a week.

Almost a third of respondents said that the conflicts at work occur less than once per month (32%). 17% argue with coworkers once a week and less, 14% — several times a week

18% of respondents say that they never conflict in the workplace.

Least of all quarrel, experts in the field of culture and art (almost a third of them said that the conflicts at work do not occur at all). And only 7% of respondents complained of daily quarrels. Swear more often than other employees of public utilities (15%) and mining (12%).

Professor of corporate management at the Higher school of corporate management (vsku), Ranepa, doctor of sociology Yelena yakhontova told “Izvestia” that the increased conflict of the workers of communal services (Elevator operators, janitors, electricians) due to the level of personal culture, as in theaters or publishing houses work more educated people.

— These people are used to the friendly attitude and resolve disputes through non-confrontational. Most likely, the quarrel between the utility workers due to corporate culture — that is, the user allows them to behave or puts in conditions that contribute to conflict, — said Elena yakhontova.

According to business-trainer Sergey Pozdnyakov, conflicts in the team is an inevitable part of the workflow, they cannot be avoided during an active growth and development of the company.

Fights and misunderstandings are information messages and talking about problems

Even a minor incident in the life of the company, if ignored, can lead to tragic consequences. The optimal position for the head in this situation is to try to understand what information shows this case. After receiving the answer, can you find a solution to the problem. In an era of global and rapid change benefits will have only those companies that can show market and plasticity. Conflicts at work is a good way to hone your skills in the resolution of disputes, — said Sergei Pozdnyakov.

According to a survey of analysts HeadHunter, in most cases the cause of conflicts are business issues (82%). Another 11% of respondents the reason was domestic issues — most often because of this quarrel the workers of heavy engineering and extractive industries (20%). In 47% of cases such scandals end with a freeze of the situation until the next exacerbation.

— One of the main causes of conflict are deficiencies in the organization of labor. In a small room can sit ten people, breathing in each other’s backs. Employees are uncomfortable, they get annoyed and start fighting for leaving dirty dishes or taken without permission pens, — told “Izvestia” a practicing psychologist, candidate of psychological Sciences Irina Aglicheva.

According to her, to help solve the problem of comfortable space organization. Think so, and 15% of employees of Russian companies.

Respondents said that the need to improve their jobs (for example, to provide separate rooms)

Also Irina Aglicheva noted that the abundance of corporate events and joint visits with colleagues can hurt: it is necessary to observe the working of the border, and unnecessary meetings can only annoy the staff.

16% of workers are sure that it is not necessary to avoid conflicts, as this is a normal part of the workflow. Most of the fights end with an agreement, especially conflicts at work (60%).

According to marketing Director one of the companies of the capital Alexei Marchenko, from the head requires constant attention to the psychological state of the team, as well as the fair distribution of benefits and responsibilities.

Wrong relationships, the discrepancy between the goals and business interests between the leader and employees, especially in small groups, can cause confusion and hidden aggression. But the excessive demands of the chief and back-breaking tasks make the employees quickly burn out and go to other company, says Alexei Marchenko.

In addition, you should take into account the nature of employees — some colleagues have an authoritarian personality type, and not able to work in a team

Perhaps these people need to increase or move the position horizontally, where the level of control will be minimal.

